지.리 2014. 12. 15. 03:17

..For in the political world, things never ‘merely are’ what they are – not at all. In one of the poems of Wallace Stevens we can find this sentence: ‘The final belief must be in a fiction.’ And in fact I believe that the most difficult problem of our time is the problem of a new fiction. We must distinguish between fiction and ideology. Because, generally speaking, ideology is opposed to science, to truth or to reality. But, as we have known since Lacan, truth itself is in a structure of fiction. The process of truth is also the process of a new fiction. Thus, finding the new great fiction offers the possibility of having a final political belief. And in fact, when the world is sombre and confused, as it is today, we must sustain our final belief by a symbolic fiction. The problem of young people in poor neighbourhoods or cités is the problem of the absence of a fiction. It has nothing to do with a social problem. The problem is the lack of a great fiction as support for a great belief. Thus, the final belief in generic truths, the final possibility of opposing the generic will to normal desires, this type of possibility and the belief in this sort of possibility, in generic truths, has to be our new fiction....






I am refering to Alain Badiou's Philosophy for militants(122~123). Actually for me, functions of the fiction which is not some kind of structures of imagination or metaphors as some way to perceive the world but really and literately the fiction, were educational things. But if we enlarge this, we can find realistic and futuristic possibility inside of the fictitious world. Fiction is not only a reflective instrument of today. It is also the mean for tests of the future. Yes, we should test all possibilities and show a sturdy possibility through a fiction. Like a line of Wallace Stevens, it is possible, possible, possible. It must be possible. That’s right.