picasso's timeline
Pablo Picasso | |
1881 |
Was born on October 25, at 36 Plaza de Riego de Málaga. It is the firstborn son of José Ruiz Blasco professor at the School of Fine Arts in the capital, and María Picasso López. Picasso's father was responsible for launching early in the drawing and painting. |
1895 |
In July, Paul first visited the Museo del Prado. In September, Jose Ruiz Blasco requested his transfer to the School of Fine Arts in Barcelona, where Paul will be an official student for two years. |
1897 |
In spring sent to the National Exhibition of Fine Arts in Madrid Table "Science and Charity", earning an honorable mention. In October, he entered the Escuela de Bellas Artes de San Fernando in Madrid. Is not interested in the classes and start drawing on their own. |
1899 |
In February, in Barcelona, where he refused to join the Llotja. Shares his studio with Jose Cardona Santiago. He frequented the brewery "Els Quatre Gats", a meeting of Catalan Modernism. Meet the painter and poet Carles Casagemas Jaime Sabartés. |
1900 |
In May, Picasso is involved in the Spanish section of the Universal Exhibition in Paris with the picture: "The last time." In October, in company of Casagemas makes its first trip to Paris. Meet the Catalan dealer Pere Manach, with whom he established his first contact. Paints his first Paris work: "Le Moulin de la Galette." |
1901 |
In January, Picasso moved to Madrid and founded with Francisco de Asis Soler, the magazine "Arte Joven". On 24 June, is inaugurated the exhibition Picasso and Iturrino in the Vollard Gallery in Paris. It is his first exhibition in Paris. Meet the poet Max Jacob. Exposed, along with Ramón Casas, in Parés Gallery in Barcelona. In October participates in a group exhibition at Witcom Gallery in Buenos Aires, organized by the dealer José Artal. |
1903 |
In January began studying for "Life" fundamental fabric of the blue period. |
1904 |
In April he settled in Paris in the study of Bateau Lavoir occupied by the sculptor Paco Durrio. Treat Canals Catalan artists, and Manolo Pitxot and poets André Salmon and Guillaume Apollinaire. In the fall he meets Fernande Olivier, his partner until 1912. Make your primcer recorded: "The food frugal" and shortly after the Rose Period begins. |
1905 |
In February states in Serrurier Gallery in Paris, his first fabric roses. In the fall, through Clavis Sagot, meet Gertrude and Leo Stein, future friends and clients. |
1907 |
In July he paints "The demioselles d'Avignon", the starting point of Cubism. Meet Kahnweiler, which is the main dealer, and in fall to Geroges Braque, who carried out the "cubist revolution". |
1909 |
In May, Fernande and Picasso travel to Barcelona. Two months after moving to Horta de Ebro, where he painted landscapes and portraits in outlining the named by Stein, "Analytical Cubism." Make the "Head of Fernande" his first cubist sculpture. |
1912 |
Earlier this year paints "Ma Jolie", one of the many canvases dedicated to Eva. Shortly after she went to live with Picasso, when Fernande leave him. In February set out in the Dalmau Gallery in Barcelona. Two months later he made in the Stafford Gallery in London. In December, Picasso signed a three-year contract with Kahnweiler. |
1914 |
Picasso continued to work with "papiers colles", making sculptures, relief constructions and paintings called "Rococo Cubism." In June, is installed with Eve in Avignon until late October. Two months later the war broke out. Braque and Derain are incorporated into the front. |
1915 |
In December, the poet Jean Cocteau visited Picasso in his studio. Eva died on 14, fell ill in summer with tuberculosis. |
1917 |
In February he traveled to Rome with Cocteau where the Diaghilev Ballets Russes. Meet Stravinsky and the dancer Olga Koklova, who later become his wife. He joins the Company's tour of Italy. On May 18, Diaghilev's premiere of "Parade" at the Théâtre du Châtelet in Paris. In June, Ballet Picasso continues to go to Spain. In Madrid he met the King Alfonso XIII and the composer Manuel de Falla. In Barcelona, his friends will receive him like a hero. Olga leaves the company and stay with Picasso. |
1918 |
In January exhibit "Matisse-Picasso" at the Galerie Paul Guillaume in Paris, organized by Léonce Rosenberg. In April, Picasso and Olga were installed in the Hotel Lutetia in Paris. The artist moves away from the bohemian and is related to high society, to whom it portrays. On 12 July, the couple married in the Russian Church in Paris. They witness: Max Jacob, Cocteau and Apollinaire. Leave for Biarritz, staying in the village of Eugenia Errazuriz. Meet Paul Rosenberg and Georges Wildenstein. In November, the Picasso moved to 23 rue La Boétie. |
1919 |
In May, Picasso Olga travels to London to work on the sets and costumes for the ballet "The Three-Cornered Hat" by Falla, prepared by Diaghilev and Massine. In October exhibits drawings and watercolors at the Paul Rosenberg Galerie in Paris, adjacent to his home. |
1921 |
On February 4, gives birth to son Paulo. In April, Maurice Raynal published "Pablo Picasso" in Munich. Make the drawing "Les lutteurs" of The Art Collection of Telefónica. Diaghilev premiered in May at the Theatre de la Gaite-Lyrique in Paris: "Cuadro Flamenco", de Falla, with sets and costumes by Picasso. With his wife and son spent the summer in Fontainebleau. Complete the two versions of "Three Musicians" and "Three Women at the Spring," which show his "neoclassical" trend. |
1923 |
Met André Breton and began to participate in many of the exhibitions and publications of the Surrealists. Make another great neo-classical compositions, "The Pipes of Pan". |
1925 |
In July, the magazine La Révolution Surréaliste publishes several works by Picasso, including "Les Demoiselles d'Avignon" for the first time in Europe. In November participates in the exhibition "La Peinture Surréaliste" the first movement, in Perre Gallery in Paris. |
1927 |
In January meets Marie-Thérèse Walter, with whom relations remain secret for several years. While spends the summer with Olga and Paulo in Cannes, making the series "Les Metamorphoses" erotic works that reflect the influence of his new lover and surreal literature. |
1931 |
In April, a retrospective of his work at the Alex Reid & Lefevre Gallery in London. In May began to make large sculptures based on the head of Marie-Thérèse, in the castle of Boisgeloup, bought last year. |
1932 |
Between January and March, Marie-Thérèse will again inspire a series of paintings of undulating rhythms, like "Girl Before a Mirror." On June 16 opens a major exhibition of his work at the Galerie Georges Petit. On 11 September, the Kunsthaus in Zurich perform a new retrospect. In October, Christian Zervos publishes the first volume of "Catalogue raissonné" by Picasso. The Museum of Modern Art in Barcelona acquires Luis Plandiura library, with many works by Picasso in his first season. |
1934 |
Between August and September takes a trip to Spain with Olga and Paulo, visiting San Sebastian, Burgos, Madrid, Toledo, Zaragoza and Barcelona. Returns to the theme of bullfighting which together dominate the minotaur with his artwork. |
1935 |
In spring place a great etching, "Minotauromaquia." In May temporarily abandoned painting and began to write poetry. In June, apart from Olga Koklova. Initiate divorce proceedings but will not pursue. On September 5, Marie-Thérèse gives birth to a daughter, Maya. In November, his friend Jaime Sabartés becomes his constant companion, serving as personal secretary. He began his friendship with Paul Eluard |
1936 |
In January ADLAN (Friends of l'Art Nou), organized an exhibition of Picasso in Barcelona, with the collaboration of some of his closest friends. Then presented in Bilbao, Malaga and Madrid. In July Spanish Civil War broke out. Picasso is opposed to the rebels and the Republicans named him director of the Museo del Prado, a position that it does not succeed. In August he moved to Mougins. We visit Eluard, the Zervos, Penrose, Miller, Ray Hand and photographer Dora Maar, quen will become your new partner. In autumn, Olga is installed in Boisgeloup. Marie-Thérèse and Maya do Vollard's house, Le Tremblay-sur-Mauldre, where Picasso often visit. |
1937 |
Earlier this year set up his studio at 7 rue des Grands Augustins in Paris. Prints made in January: "Dream and Lie of Franco" to be sold to benefit the Republican cause. On May 1st begins the great painting "Guernica", his most famous work, commissioned by the Spanish Republic's pavilion for the Paris Universal Exhibition. In October, after summer with Dora Maar and Eluard in Mougins, travels to Switzerland to put Paula Bernard Geiser care. Visit Paul Klee in Bern. |
1939 |
On January 13 Mary died in Barcelona Picasso, the artist's mother. Unable to attend the funeral because of the war. At the end of it and succeed Franco, will be imposed exile from Spain for the rest of his life. In the spring working with the engraver Lacourière. In July, Picasso and Dora Maar visit to Man Ray in Antibes. Sabartés joins them. In August painting "Night Fishing at Antibes." At the end of the month return to Paris. In September, at the beginning of World War II, settled in Royan. Marie-Thérèse and Maya are also there. In November, Alfred Barr Jr. Organized by the Museum of Mordern Art, New York's major exhibition "Picasso: Forty Years of His Art", including 344 works. |
1943 |
Earlier this year, made the sculpture "Head of the dead" and "head of gold" in his study of Grands Augustins. In May, meets the young painter Françoise Gilot for the first time. At the end of the year is becoming the subject of many of his works. |
1947 |
In May, Picasso donated ten paintings to the Musée National d'Art Moderne, as a result of the efforts of its curator Jean Cossou. Claude was born on 15, first son of Françoise and Picasso. In August Picasso began a new artistic activity in Vallauris: Ceramics. |
1949 |
In February, Louis Aragon chooses for the poster of "Peace Congress", to be held on April 20 in Paris, the lithograph "La Paloma" by Picasso. On April 19 Paloma was born in Paris, the second daughter of Françoise and Picasso. In July, his recent work is shown in the Maison de la Pensée Françoise de Paris. |
1951 |
Paints the picture in January "Massacre in Korea", in response to the war. Be exhibited at the Salon de Mai in Paris. On October 11 an exhibition opens at the Institute of Contemporary Arts in London, in honor of his 70th birthday. |
1953 |
In May, the National Gallery of Modern Art organized a major retrospective Rome. In September, Françoise and their children leave Picasso, returning to Paris. In November begins the series of drawings "The Painter and the Model", which will then painting and engraving. |
1955 |
Olga Picasso died in February in Cannes. In June he made a major retrospective at the Museum of Decorative Arts in Paris, organized by Maurice Jardot. Picasso and Jacqueline in summer are installed in "La Californie" Cannes, purchased last year. |
1956 |
October is the first exhibition of Picasso at the Sala Gaspar de Barcelona. Ilya Ehrenburg organized a major retrospective in Moscow. |
1957 |
In May, the Museum of Modern Art in New York organized the exhibition "Picasso 75th Anniversary." After transfered to Chicago and Philadelphia. In July, the Musée d'Arles Réattu displays his works on paper. In August, Picasso began his series of variations on "Las Meninas" by Velazquez. Engraves a set of etchings that illustrate the book by Jose Delgado (Pepe Hillo): "Bullfighting. Art of fighting". |
1958 |
In January, Picasso completes the panel of UNESCO: "The Fall of Icarus", which will be mounting procedures in September. In spring, the Maison Française Pnesée 150 exhibits ceramics. |
1960 |
In July, there is a retrospective at the Tate Gallery in London with 270 works, organized by Roland Penrose. |
1962 |
In May, Picasso was awarded a second time with the Lenin Peace Prize. In June, nine galleries in New York hosting the exhibition "American Tribute to Picasso". |
1966 |
In November, a major retrospective exhibition "Homage to Picasso", organized by Jean Leymarie, which occupies the Grand Palais, the Petit Palais and the Bibliotheque Nationale de Paris. |
1968 |
On February 13 Sabartés dies. Picasso gives the series "Las Meninas" at the Picasso Museum in his memory. Appears the first volume of "L'Ouvre serious Picasso" by Georges Bloch. In December a series of prints made as outlined in the Louise Leiris Gallery and at the Sala Gaspar de Barcelona. |
1970 |
In January, the artist donated to the Picasso Museum in Barcelona works kept by his family. More than two thousand drawings and paintings of his formative years. In May presents his latest works at the Palace of the Popes in Avignon, organized by Christian and Yvonne Zervos. In December, Picasso's work from the collection of Gertrude Stein is on display at the Museum of Modern Art in New York. |
1971 |
Continue making prints and drawings, some exposed in Leiris Gallery. In October, in celebration of his ninetieth birthday, the Musée National d'Art Moderne in Paris organized a major exhibition of works by Picasso from the Hermitage and Pushkin Museums of Russia. |
1973 |
In January, Louise Leiris Gallery presents 156 prints made in the previous two years. On April 8, Pablo Picasso died in Notre-Dame-de-Vie, Mougins. Two days later buried in the castle Vauvenargues. |