잡동사니 비공개 창고

train railroad railway

지.리 2010. 10. 29. 21:00

car mania: a critical history of transport


p. 30

the shaking produced by driving in carriages and later by railway travel exercises such a fascinating effect upon older children that every boy gas at one time or other in his life wanted to be an engine driver or a coachman. it is a puzzling fact that boys take such an extraordinarily intense interest in things connected with railways, and, at an age at which the production of phantasies is most active (shortly before puberty), use those things as the nucleus of a symbolism that is peculiarly sexual. a compulsive link of this kind between railway travel and sexuality is clearly derived from the pleasurable character of the sensations of movement.


freud, three essays on sexaulity, 1905


after the orgy


p. 66

Early train travelers experienced the fearful independence of their own sexuality as somehow corresponding to derailment: "Their faer is related to the danger of finding themselves in a kind of unstoppable motion that they can no longer control. The same patients generally exhibit fear of locomotion in any vehicle they cannot bring to a halt themselves at any time" (83)

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